The recent deadly storms and tornadoes in the South have destroyed thousands of acres of farmland. Many of these farmers were struggling to stay afloat even before the storms, since family farming nowadays rarely provides sufficient income to support a family and keep a farm going. So this bad weather has robbed many farmers of what little they have left.
Luckily, there’s help. Farm Aid, an organization whose mission is to keep farmers on their land, has a Family Farm Disaster Fund for instances just like this. They provide emergency funds for families to buy food and other necessities, legal and financial counseling to help farmers retain and repair their land, and support local organizations who are helping family farmers in their communities.
If you’ve been looking for a way to help people who have lost everything in these storms, donate to Farm Aid’s Disaster Fund. They’re a well-run, trustworthy organization, and your money will go directly to those who need it most.
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