I came across this article and immediately had to share it with you.
If you’ve ever looked at a package and wondered “Is this product healthy, or not?” you will appreciate this guide to fake health food. In a funny, no-nonsense manner, the author explains potentially confusing terms and labels that don’t mean a thing. Then she gives tips on what to eat instead.
Thank you, Jane Mountain for this great post:
Fat free! Now with whole grains! Only 100 calories! Zero grams trans fat! All-natural!
Fake health foods are the carnival barkers of the grocery store, shouting at you from every aisle, promising longevity, beauty, and true happiness, if only you’ll buy them. Fake health food is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a vicar in a tutu. Here are some of the worst examples:
Vitamin-enriched water is often filled with sugar. Most of them also make big health claims (mood enhancing, energizing, more brain power, etc.) with no evidence to back them up.
Vegetable chips are just chips. They are deep-fried, and contain plenty of fat, salt, and empty calories, just like any other chip.
Granola is super-awesome hippie health food, right? Not usually. Most granolas are loaded with sugar and fat. Make your own!
Flavored yogurt contains fruit, right? Yes, but it’s usually highly processed fruit. Also: sugar, sugar, and more sugar.
Granola bars and energy bars are almost always weighed down with calories, and lots of them contain high fructose corn syrup, palm oil, or other not-so-healthy oils.
Baked chips might contain less fat, but they’re about as good for you as eating salty cardboard. Actually, cardboard would have more fiber.
Almost every item in these “healthy” vending machines also qualifies as fake health food.
So, how can I tell the difference?………
August 3, 2012 at 1:20 pmWow! I always thought baked veggie chips were “healthy” or at least healthier. Good to know they’re just salty, low-fiber wastes of calories.
August 4, 2012 at 11:00 pmI know, it’s so easy to be duped by things like this!