Sometimes I find eating healthy at home to be easy. Other times it feels like an impossible task. It all depends on one thing: whether or not I prep produce after grocery shopping.
This may sound trivial, but buying, washing, and chopping fruits and veggies is the determining factor in whether or not my family eats well in a given week. When fresh produce is visible and easy to grab on-the-go, we eat it. When it’s hidden down in the back of a drawer or requires much preparation at dinnertime, we don’t.
So recently, I’ve been making a big effort to plan ahead. Below is a peek at what we’ll be eating this week.
Plums, bell peppers, cucumbers, and eggplant.
Carrots, watermelon, and pineapple.
Grapes and cherry tomatoes.
I also cooked a batch of wild rice, to add to salads and eat under spicy eggplant & bell pepper saute I plan to make later this week.
And for a more substantial snack, I made a trail mix from plantain chips, flaked coconut, dark chocolate, raw almonds, honey roasted peanuts, dried blueberries, and cereal.
When you have these appealing healthy foods all ready to go, they’re probably what you’ll reach for when hunger strikes. It’s an easy way to set yourself up for success!
Caroline @ After Dinner Dance
October 3, 2012 at 4:35 pmPreparing fruits and veggies ahead really does make all the difference! I just always forget (or am too lazy!) to roast veggies on the weekends. I know I would up my veggie intake a lot if I did. New goal! 🙂
October 3, 2012 at 8:44 pmI know, it’s hard to make it happen, but when it happens life is much easier!