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Why This Drought Affects Us All And What You Can Do

worst drought in 50 years

The U.S. is facing our worst drought in 50 years, but most of us aren’t really paying attention.  Why?  Because our daily lives haven’t changed, and we still have everything we need to survive.

For farmers, that is not the case.  According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 87% of the U.S. corn crop, 85% of soybeans, 63% of hay, and 72% of cattle areas are experiencing severe drought.  Over half of the corn and soybean areas are experiencing Extreme to Exceptional drought which may lead to the loss of an entire crop and thus farmers’ entire income for the year.

Which means many farmers are literally struggling to survive right now – and will be for years to come, since it takes at least a few years for land and farms to recover from a drought.  It also means that less food will be produced, and the price of food will go up, perhaps significantly.

What can you do to help?  Donate to Farm Aid’s Family Disaster Fund.  We can’t do anything about the weather (besides living greener so we can reduce the rate of global warming), but we can come to the aid of farmers who need money to buy food and cover living expenses this year.

Farm Aid’s Family Disaster Fund helps keep desperate farmers afloat during emergencies, and provides financial and legal counseling to farm families so they can more easily recover.  If each Eating Made Easy reader donates just $10 today, together we could raise $4000!  So please consider a small donation — our food supply depends on it!


  • shelley hudson
    August 25, 2012 at 9:27 pm

    I just donated my ten bucks. Since I love food and enjoy some every day, what’s to talk about?

  • Amelia
    August 26, 2012 at 1:23 pm

    Thank you & so true!

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