This post is brought to you by Knowledge Universe. Thank you for supporting me and the Grow Happy campaign for healthier kids!
My family is pretty healthy on the whole. We eat a variety of healthy foods. We’re active. And we spend a lot of time together.
But there’s always room for improvement!
A few things we’re working on right now:
Eat more plant-based foods.
We already eat lots of fruits and vegetables, but rely heavily on animal products for our proteins. I’ve been trying to work more beans, lentils and tofu into our diet, and make more veggie-only meals. Though we’re not vegetarian or vegan, doing this helps us eat a more varied diet and forces us to break out of our regular food routine. Plus it’s inexpensive and earth-friendly.
Get more active on weekends.
Living in Southern California, we spend a lot of time outside on weekends. But often times it’s Lucy whose doing the active stuff while Tyler and I hang around and supervise. Not anymore. We’re trying to make our outside time active for the whole family – like integrating little workouts into our park play or jogging on the beach instead of just playing there.
Schedule more down time.
It’s easy to fill all of our free time with the people and activities we love. But this leaves very little time to relax, and sometimes a day at home with nothing to do is just what a family needs to reconnect, learn things about each other, and spark creative play. Thus we’re aiming to keep one weekend day and one weekday afternoon free every week, so we can enjoy some relaxation and whatever else it may bring.
If you have healthier hopes for your own family, check out the Grow Happy Goal Tracker, part of KinderCare’s new Grow Happy campaign for better health. This cool tool makes food, body and mind-related goals easier to set and achieve – and provides some great ideas to get you started.
To learn more about Grow Happy, stop by any KinderCare child care or early education center on Tuesday April 15th for an Open House. Tour the facility and get free registration when you enroll! Offer good April 13, 2014 through April 20, 2014. Find a center near you here.
This post is sponsored by Knowledge Universe.
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